May Cara Box

This month was my 1st ever Cara Box exchange ( and it was great fun! I discovered the Cara Box exchange through a friend, so i decided to sign up. I was paired with Andrea ( and Kyetra ( Andrea sent me a box and I sent one to Kyetra. It was fun to get to know these ladies through their blogs and emails. The theme of this month's box was "where you live." So my box to Kyetra was full of things made in Oregon, and my box from Andrea was full of things made in Michigan. I got a lot of neat goodies! Thank you so much Andi! My Box for Kyetra My Box and all my goodies! Beautiful Card she made me. It's PINK! my fave color Made in Detroit Potato Chips. These were really good! Michigan Salt Water Taffy. YUMMMM! Faygo Soda, made in Michigan. This is currently sitting in my fridge getting cold so i can try it. Michigan Chocolate and Fudge. YUMMMMM! Not...