Salon Edge UV Lamp Review
I am a huge nail polish junkie. I have at least 40 shades. But I
am hard on my hands, so I deal with no polish chipping frequestly, no
matter what brand or top coat I use. Then along came gel nail polish
that is durable, and lasts 2-3 weeks. I could not wait to try it out.
But it's $25 a pop to get a gel manicure, and that can add up fast.
That's where the Salon Edge UV lamp comes in! Salon Edge's gel curing
UV lamp looks like a professional model. It's white, sleek looking,
and large enough for a whole hand, but still lightweight. It uses
four 36
Watt bulbs, that are included with the unit. It has 3 automatic
settings, 90, 120, or 180 Seconds.
unit comes with no instructions, but all you have to do is install
the bulbs, so that is not a huge drawback. They do fail to mention
not to touch the bulbs with your bare hands, but thankfully I knew
that already. The bulbs have to be popped into their slots, and it
takes a bit of force to do this. When the first one popped in I
thought I broke it for a minute.
The Salon Edge is easy to use, simply paint and cure. (Follow the steps laid out by the polish you are using, some require special base and top coats) I know gel polish is pricier than regular drug store polish, but with one manicure lasting up to 2 weeks the polish lasts and lasts.
There is one drawback. UV rays can cause skin cancer. My solution to this is simple, but brilliant. I went to the dollar store, bought gloves, and cut the finger tips off so my nails are exposed but my hand and fingers are covered. Problem solved. So, if you are ready to ditch the pricey salon manicures and try the DIY gel mani, this is the lamp you want! The value and the product are exceptional. Head on over to amazon and order your Salon Edge UV lamp! This would also make an amazing gift for any one in your life who loves beauty and nail products!
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using in exchange for my honest review. I never recommend products i don't like and use myself.
The Salon Edge is easy to use, simply paint and cure. (Follow the steps laid out by the polish you are using, some require special base and top coats) I know gel polish is pricier than regular drug store polish, but with one manicure lasting up to 2 weeks the polish lasts and lasts.
There is one drawback. UV rays can cause skin cancer. My solution to this is simple, but brilliant. I went to the dollar store, bought gloves, and cut the finger tips off so my nails are exposed but my hand and fingers are covered. Problem solved. So, if you are ready to ditch the pricey salon manicures and try the DIY gel mani, this is the lamp you want! The value and the product are exceptional. Head on over to amazon and order your Salon Edge UV lamp! This would also make an amazing gift for any one in your life who loves beauty and nail products!