What my chronic illness looks like now
It's been a while since i blogged. My health is still not good, still no answers to the constant headache, or frequent migraines. The body pain and muscle weakness is probably fibromyalgia, but we are still exploring that. It's been a long, hard road. It's been almost two years of pain and the frustration of having no answers. I have gone through every migraine medication the neurologist can prescribe, with nothing really working. I have even had two rounds of botox injections for my migraines, and still no relief. I have tried several alternative remedies and many supplements, including trying acupuncture once. (Oh my goodness do i hate needles!) I have even ventured so far as to try medicinal marijuana, but nothing has truly helped. I cannot begin to describe the pain, the frustration and the hopelessness that comes with constant pain. The life i was living seems like a memory of a movie, it's so alien to how life is now. I have faith that God has a plan, that there i...