Hope Unfolding by Becky Thompson

As parents, as mothers, I think sometimes we all wonder if we are doing our best. Did I love them enough today? Will they remember me shouting at them when they are 30? Why can’t I seem to balance everything? Does it ever get easier? In these moments we often just need to sit and relax, and hear the voice of God reminding us he knows our struggles and has not forgotten us. His word is enough to calm our fears if only we listen. In “Hope Unfolding” Becky Thompson writes as one would write to a friend, reminding us we are not alone and sharing personal stories along with God’s word. This book will lead you to encounter God’s presence , confidence in your job as a mother, faith that you are doing enough, and hope that your purpose is in God’s hands. This book has chapters that are short, and easy to read, which is perfect for busy mothers. A chapter read during a childs nap or snagged during those blessed moments of silence when the kids are in bed is easy to...