Lysol Power & Free

My recent product testing has been Lysol Power & Free Multi-purpose cleaner and wipes. They clean and disinfect without the harshness of bleach!
The product information from Lysol
"You clean to help keep your loved ones healthy, so why use cleaning products that require an evacuation of kids and pets from your home? Just to get things gleaming? Lysol® Power & Free™ delivers more cleaning power than bleach* — without the harshness! The cleaners are powered by hydrogen peroxide (which turns into water and oxygen as it attacks tough stains), so you get a pristine home that’s free from harmful fumes and chemical residue. -Uses hydrogen peroxide to release thousands of micro-bubbles that penetrate and dissolve tough stains -Requires no gloves, masks or protective eyewear (you don’t even have to open the windows to clean!) -Kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria** *On tough grease and soap scum. **When used as directed."

I am in love with the all purpose cleaner. It works great, cleans well, and is a pleasant smelling. I have already bought a second bottle and have shared the coupons with a friend so she could try it too. The wipes also work well, however they smell terrible! I don't plan to buy them again unless they change the scent. All in all though, these are great product from a great company!

I tried these products for free from BzzAgent in exchange for my honest opinion.


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