David Bowie Retrospective and Coloring Book by Mel Elliott

 Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane, Thin White Duke. . . . Bowie changed his style more dramatically than any other musician in history. His transformations brought about seismic cultural shifts, altering the definition of what it meant to be a popular rock star. This annotated collection of illustrations provide a remarkable overview of Bowie's nearly fifty years of evolution, featuring looks by the likes of Freddie Burretti and Kansai Yamamoto, further establishing him as the fashion king of self-invention.

I fell in love with David Bowie in the movie "Labyrinth." Jareth the Goblin King was a crush of mine for ages. As i got older i was able to delve into the music of Bowie, and see his true genius. His influence on pop culture, his stance on sexual fluidity and his challenge of gender norms...They made him a great man. His passing in the beginning of 2016 was terribly sad for me. 

Being someone who loves Bowie, and who also loves adult coloring books, i was excited to receive this one. The execution of this book left something to be desired. Each set of pages has a scene/costume of Bowie on one side, with a description on the other side. Most of the images relate to famous outfits he wore, which is fine, but i had hoped for more details on his life. There also a quite a few pages with no background images, which makes them look very plain and un-Bowie like to me. I'm glad i got to review this book, but i personally i wouldn't spend the $12 for it. 

I received this book for free to review from blogging for books. My opinions are 100% my own. 


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